What’s Your Porn Star Name?


Your Internet Porn Name

Have you ever wonder how those adult film stars come up with those ridiculous sounding stage names?
Well according to the internet, you take the name of your first pet and combine it with the name of the first street you lived on as a kid. For example: My first pet was a German Shepard named ‘Jock‘, and the street we lived on was ‘Pipeline Road‘. That makes my porn name ‘Jock Pipeline‘. Not too shabby of a porn name if I do say so myself!! 

Enter your porn screen name in the comment box below. I have to moderate the comments because of those darn spam bots. I will be watching it closely all weekend so you should see yours up there within an hour or so.


  1. donna January 17, 2015
  2. gibguts January 17, 2015
  3. Dana January 17, 2015
  4. gibguts January 17, 2015
  5. Ken Lafex January 17, 2015
  6. Franklin Furter January 17, 2015
  7. gibguts January 17, 2015
  8. gibguts January 17, 2015
  9. Steve January 17, 2015
  10. Dick January 17, 2015
  11. gibguts January 17, 2015
  12. Sharon Lucas January 17, 2015
  13. Ken January 17, 2015
  14. gibguts January 17, 2015
  15. Tim January 17, 2015
  16. Carolyn Kane January 17, 2015
  17. Ann January 17, 2015
  18. gibguts January 17, 2015
  19. gibguts January 17, 2015
  20. Michael January 18, 2015
  21. gibguts January 18, 2015
  22. Your Cat January 18, 2015
  23. Jane January 18, 2015
  24. Rosie January 18, 2015
  25. Patty January 18, 2015
  26. Jules January 18, 2015
  27. Leonie January 18, 2015
  28. Forrest Marler January 19, 2015
  29. jim maines February 4, 2015