HomecartoonsTurban Rip Off Cartoon Turban Rip Off Cartoon cartoons September 5, 2011 1 gibguts arab, cartoon, comic, east indian, funny, salesman, turban Share Gibbleguts with your Friends! Food for Thought Finally things are starting to click…my elbows, knees and back! JOIN CLUB GIBBLEGUTS ON PATREON FREE! Tweet Pin It Related A Man in Uniform May 13, 2016 0 Mexican Restaurant Cartoon January 12, 2012 0 Love Birds Cartoons July 18, 2011 0 Tillie Ponders Yoga June 13, 2019 0 One Response Boston Architect September 7, 2011 HA! I’m going to send this to some of my friends.
HA! I’m going to send this to some of my friends.