Tag: funny
Play-Doh Dog Stencil Cartoon
May 14, 2012
Food for Thought Q. If you’ve got one green ball in one hand and another green ball in the other, what do you have? A. The undivided attention of the Incredible Hulk.
Cat Hamster Cartoon
March 20, 2012
Food for Thought If you’ve never jumped from one couch to the other to avoid the lava you’ve never had a childhood.
Big Butt Cartoon
March 12, 2012
Food for Thought A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s because she changes it more often.
Charlie Sheen Cartoon
March 2, 2012
Food for Thought If it weren’t for electricity we’d all be watching television by candlelight.â€
Night Bat Cartoon
March 1, 2012
Food for Thought Don’t sweat it God. As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.